للبيع كلب هاسكي :
العمر 2 شهرين
الاغراض : ( الاكل + الشامبو + المشط + الطوق + سناك + صحن الاكل و الماي + مشط التنظيف الشعر + القفص )
للتواصل : 0585792289
Husky dog for sale:
Age 2 months
Objectives: (food + shampoo + comb + collar + snack + bowl of food and water + comb for cleaning hair + cage)
Contact: 0585792289
✅ Make sure you only PAY through Camlist, because:
? You can pay in installments for any pet with 0% interest
? Your payments are 100% SAFE and protected from any scams
? You can get pet vaccinations, vet checks, microchipping, and other stuff for FREE!
➡️ Reach out to the Camlist support team to get more info about this awesome offer!