
العمر 4 شهور
حالته الصحيه ممتازه
قادر على الاكل وحده
يحاول ان يتكلم
و ما يعض و مدرب على اليد و ما يصارخ و ما يسوي ازعاج
مناسب للاطفال
تقدر تطلعه برا البيت بدون قفص
الصراحه الطير من الاخر ما شاء الله

4 months old
His health is excellent
Able to eat alone
Trying to talking
And he does not bite and is trained on the hand and what is screaming and what is a nuisance
Suitable for children
You can go out into the house without a cage



Al Ain, United Arab Emirates